by TS Caladan ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ is a book written by Robert Kennedy Jr. and i…
New World Order, Globalization, One World Government Globalist are trying to destroy t…
New World Order, Globalization, One World Government Globalist are trying to destroy t…
Statistics indicate that while COVID is on the rise the Flu almost disappeared in 2020…
Statistics indicate that while COVID is on the rise the Flu almost disappeared in 2020…
BS is an abbreviation for ‘ b u l l s h i t’. [mainly US, informal, rude, disapproval]…
BS is an abbreviation for ‘ b u l l s h i t’. [mainly US, informal, rude, disapproval]…
Who are the puppet masters of the world? Who plans major developments and events in th…
Who are the puppet masters of the world? Who plans major developments and events in th…
There are “conspiracy theory” explanations that can no longer be dismissed as the para…
There are “conspiracy theory” explanations that can no longer be dismissed as the para…
by James DeMeo Once again, while covid testing and “cases” soar dramatically, confirme…
by James DeMeo Once again, while covid testing and “cases” soar dramatically, confirme…
Psychiatric wards and mental institutes have long been a popular choice of setting for…
Psychiatric wards and mental institutes have long been a popular choice of setting for…
by TS Caladan ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ is a book written by Robert Kennedy Jr. and i…
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